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leonardo da vinci n.達芬奇〔1452-1519 意大利文藝復興時期偉大畫...


One of the enduring mysteries of the renaissance has been resolved with the discovery of the workshop of leonardo da vinci in florence , it was announced yesterday 據外電昨天( 1月12日)報道,文藝復興時期遺留的眾多疑團之一已隨著里昂納多?達芬奇畫室在佛羅倫薩重見天日而破解。

Lynn picknett and clive prince ( 1994 ) proposed that the shroud is perhaps the first ever example of photography , showing the portrait of its alleged maker , leonardo da vinci 林恩和克萊夫( 1994 )主張裹尸布很可能是攝影技術的首個例子,表示肖像的所謂制造者是列奧納多達芬奇。

Mona lisa , the mysterious woman immortalized ( 1 ) in leonardo da vinci ' s 16th century masterpiece , had just given birth to her second son when she sat for the painting , a french art expert said 法國藝術專家說, 16世紀達芬奇不朽之作中的蒙娜麗莎被畫時剛剛生下第二個寶寶。

What might have happened if leonardo da vinci , michelangelo , or some of the other great renaissance masters had tried to collaborate on a project 如果leonardo da vinci 、 michelangelo ,或者其他著名的大師在一個專案中協同工作,會發生怎樣的情形?

The enigma of leonardo da vinci ' s famous mona lisa painting has been cracked with the help of emotion - recognition software from scientists recently 近日,科學家們運用“情緒識別軟件”對萊昂納多?達?芬奇的名畫《蒙娜麗莎的微笑》之謎進行了解讀。

The enigma of leonardo da vinci ' s famous mona lisa painting has been cracked with the help of emotion - recognition software from scientists recently 近日,科學家們運用“情緒識別軟件”對萊昂納多達芬奇的名畫蒙娜麗莎的微笑之謎進行了解讀。

In his final moments of life , the curator had stripped off his clothing and arranged his body in a clear image of leonardo da vinci ' s vitruvian man 在生命的最后一刻,館長脫光了衣服,明白無誤地用自己的身體擺成了達?芬奇《維特魯威人》的樣子。

A true genius , leonardo da vinci spent his whole life studying natural phenomena and analyzing the human anatomy while also dabbling in architecture and engineering 達文西一生熱衷于探索大自然與人體結構,除繪畫外,他又擅長于工程與建筑藝術。

As leonardo da vinci did with the human body , and his vitruvian man , a great number of studious men have done the same thing with the right proportions of the vehicles 正如達芬奇對人體比例的研究一樣,很多好學的人也在為汽車尋找恰當的比例。

Leonardo da vinci , the premier example of a renaissance man , was an artist , scientist , architect , weapons maker , and much more 萊昂納多達芬奇可稱得上是文藝復興的第一人,他不僅是一位藝術家,還扮演著科學家、建筑師、武器制造者等等很多角色。

One might recall leonardo da vinci ' s drawing of an egg , wang xi zhi practicing handwriting , or thomas edison inventing the light bulb , for example 例如,人們可能會想到萊昂納多達芬奇畫蛋,王羲之練習書法和托馬斯愛迪生發明電燈的故事。

But you will gasp in recognition . this is the mona lisa , painted by leonardo da vinci , and is the most famous work of art in the world 但是你會倒吸一口氣一眼認出來,這就是列奧納多?達?芬奇的《蒙娜?麗莎》 ,世界上最最著名的藝術品。

Leonardo da vinci believed that , to gain knowledge about the form of a problem , you begin by learning how to restructure it in many different ways 來昂納多?達芬奇相信,為了了解問題,你應該以學習如何用不同的方法重構它作為開始。

“ great painters such as leonardo da vinci were masters of techniques that could particular responses in the viewer . “像列奧納多達芬奇這樣的偉大畫家都是擁有高超技巧的油畫大師,他們的畫能使觀眾產生特別的反應。 ”

Leonardo da vinci ' s notebooks and drawings show him to have had a scientific imagination and technological ingenuity well ahead of his time 列奧納多?達?芬奇的筆記和畫表明他具有頗為超前的科學想像力和獨創技巧。

Leonardo da vinci was remarkably versatile . he was a painter , sculptor , architect , musician , engineer , and scientist 李奧拿多?達芬奇出名的多才多藝,他是畫家、雕刻家、建筑師、音樂家、工程師,也是一位科學家。

I can ' t forgive so many bad novelists for having written about leonardo da vinci . but there you are , what ' s done cannot be undone 這么多拙劣的小說家都寫過達?芬奇,我不能原諒。但你知道,作過的事無法改變。

It is theorized that leonardo da vinci painted his own profile along the boarder of the veil on the face of the mona lisa 在這一理論中,萊昂那多?達?芬奇沿著蒙娜?麗莎臉上的面紗邊緣來刻畫他自己的肖像。

What we can teach is how to “ hold a brush ” , but it is you , who should paint “ mona lisa ” and become “ leonardo da vinci ” 你可以學到的是:拿畫筆的方法。只有自己描繪蒙娜麗莎,你才能成為達芬奇。